マツナガ リエ   Matsunaga Rie
  松永 理恵
   所属   神奈川大学  人間科学部 人間科学科
    神奈川大学大学院  人間科学研究科 人間科学専攻(応用実験心理学分野 演習担当教員)
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2018/09
発表テーマ Cognitive modeling of music perception.
発表学会名 The 9th IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology & The 3rd International Five-Sense Symposium
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(招待・特別)
単独共同区分 単独
招待講演 招待講演
開催地名 Fukuoka
発表者・共同発表者 Rie Matsunaga
概要 In this talk, after overviewing how listeners perceive a sequence of tones as ‘music’ in their mind, I will focus on a perceptual process of pitch structure or ‘tonality’ perception. Subsequently, I will introduce several behavioral and neuroimaging studies that investigated differences and similarities in tonality perception between listeners of different ages and different music cultures who were at various levels of musical training. Based on evidence of these studies, I will describe fundamental characteristics of cognitive models of tonality perception.