(Last updated : 2025-03-11 11:40:25)
  Nakanishi Hayato
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Economics Department of Economics/Department of Contemporary Business
   Assistant Professor
■ Present specialized field
Economic statistics (Key Word:Applied econometrics, Program evaluation) 
■ Academic background
1. 2011/10~2015/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology 〔Doctoral course〕 Completed
2. 2010/04~2011/09 Tokyo Institute of Technology 〔Master degree program〕 Completed
3. 2006/04~2010/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering Graduated
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers Urban environmental evaluation using affiliated private value auction model.  (Single)  2024/11 Link
2. Papers Investigating the causal effects of COVID-19 vaccination on the adoption of protective behaviors in Japan: Insights from a fuzzy regression discontinuity design.  (Collaboration)  2024/06 Link
3. Papers Estimation of exchangeable distribution with order statistics: Application to first-price auctions.  (Single)  2019/08 Link
4. Papers Preference Parameter Changes in Life-cycle Consumption Models: the Measurement-error-robust Approach.  (Collaboration)  2018/10 Link
5. Papers How the change of risk announcement on catastrophic disaster affects property prices?  (Single)  2017/05 Link
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2019/06 Estimation of exchangeable distribution when the highest or lowest and another order statistics are observable: Application to first-price auctions (AMES 2019)
2. 2018/01 Can an economic structural model support hypothetical and experimental evidence? Preference parameters before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake (AEA ASSA Annual Meeting 2018)
3. 2017/06 Can an economic structural model support hypothetical and experimental evidence? Preference parameters before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake (IAAE Annual conference 2017)
4. 2017/03 Can an economic structural model support hypothetical and experimental evidence? Preference parameters before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake (Conference: Development of Empirical Research Using Panel Data)
5. 2015/06 Economic Valuation of Environmental Quality Using Property Auction Data: A Structural Estimation Approach (IAAE Annual Conference 2015)
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