(Last updated : 2024-10-03 14:42:39)
  Ohizumi Mitsuo
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Science Department of Science
■ Present specialized field
Human geosciences, Human geosciences 
■ Book and Papers
1. Book Encyclopedia of water  (Collaboration)  1997/09
2. Papers Improvement of Snow Depth Reproduction in Japanese Urban Areas by the Inclusion of a Snowpack Scheme in the SPUC Model  (Collaboration)  2018/01
3. Papers Projection of Future Climate Change over Japan in Ensemble Simulations with a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model  (Collaboration)  2015/05
4. Papers Future Changes of snow Depth in a Non-Hydrostatic Regional Climate Model with Bias Correction  (Collaboration)  2013/01
5. Papers Reproducibility of Snow by a Non-Hydrostatic Regional Climate Model(NHRCM) Nested in JRA-25  (Collaboration)  2013/01
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