ナカニシ ハヤト   Nakanishi Hayato
  中西 勇人
   所属   神奈川大学  経済学部 経済学科/現代ビジネス学科
   職種   助教
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2016/11
形態種別 学術雑誌
査読 査読あり
標題 Economic valuation of environmental quality using property auction data: A structural estimation approach.
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 Land Economics
出版社・発行元 University of Wisconsin Press
巻・号・頁 92(4),pp.703-717
著者・共著者 Tadao Hoshino and Hayato Nakanishi
概要 This study proposes a method to economically evaluate environmental quality using property auction data. Our approach is consistent with microeconomic auction theory and can directly estimate the value function from the data, a task that is often difficult when using conventional revealed preference methods such as the hedonic approach. We use a method of simulated moments to estimate the value function, which in turn is used to calculate the economic value of environmental quality changes. We apply this method to data on foreclosure property auctions in Tokyo in order to economically evaluate hypothetical improvements in neighborhood fire risks.
DOI https://doi.org/10.3368/le.92.4.703