ヒロセ トミオ
Hirose Tomio 廣瀬 富男 所属 神奈川大学 国際日本学部 国際文化交流学科 神奈川大学大学院 人文学研究科 欧米言語文化専攻(言語学コース) 職種 教授 |
発表年月日 | 2020/09/10 |
発表テーマ | A finer-structural analysis of the Japanese politeness morphology |
発表学会名 | The 28th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (JK28) |
学会区分 | 国際学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭(一般) |
単独共同区分 | 共同 |
開催地名 | The University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, UK |
発表者・共同発表者 | Hiroyuki Nawata |
概要 | Our paper has two purposes. The first is to propose a three-headed, "ditransitive" structure for the projections of Speech Act. The second is to designate the five politeness morphemes in Japanese as representing one of the three heads of the ditransitive structure we propose. We argue that the causal politeness morpheme -ssu represents the highest Speech Act head; the non-verbal politeness -desu represents the middle Speech Act head; the non-verbal politeness morpheme -desita, and the verbal politeness morphemes -masu and -masita represent the lowest Speech Act head. We discuss a few consequences of our analysis in regard to the relative size of the three Speech Act projections. Also discussed is the distinctive speaker-hear relation characteristic of the use of the casual politeness morpheme -ssu. Syntactic structure must exist beyond the Speech Act projections, given our characterization of -ssu as the topmost Speech Act head. |