マツナガ リエ   Matsunaga Rie
  松永 理恵
   所属   神奈川大学  人間科学部 人間科学科
    神奈川大学大学院  人間科学研究科 人間科学専攻(応用実験心理学分野 演習担当教員)
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2022/02/22
発表テーマ How do we acquire the sense of culture-specific musical plausibility?
発表学会名 The 3rd Symposium on Perception and Cognition Systems for Nature of Plausibility
学会区分 研究会・シンポジウム等
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
招待講演 招待講演
開催期間 2022/02/22~2022/02/22
発表者・共同発表者 Rie Matsunaga (Keynote speech)
概要 Similar to the language-syntactic schemas, listeners implicitly acquire the music-syntactic schemas (related to keynote and musical scale) through mere exposure to their native music. The music-syntactic schemas underlie the sense of melodic Gestalt (including melodic coherence, well-formdness, and plausibility) for pitch structure of music. In this talk, I start with explaining what music-syntactics schemas adult listeners have in their brains and the extent to which listeners from different cultures are similar in the sense of melodic Gestalt. Then, I introduce my computer simulation work that reveals how children rapidly start off learning the culture-specific schemas in spite of no direct or explicit teacher signals about the keynote and scale of each musical piece.