(Last updated : 2023-09-05 15:35:45)
  Kakuyama Tomoko
   Kanagawa University  Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Department of Cross-Cultural Studies
   Kanagawa University Graduate School  Graduate School of Humanities Course in European and American Languages and Cultures(Literature/Thought)
   Associate Professor
■ Present specialized field
Design, History of Arts, Aesthetics and art studies (Key Word:History of Design in Austria and Central Europe, Philosophy of Art) 
■ Book and Papers
1. Book Modern Synchronized and Stimulated Each Other. The Polyphony of Function and Decoration  (Collaboration)  2022/07
2. Book My First Lizzi: Design of Felice [Lizzi] Rix Ueno  (Collaboration)  2022/01
3. Papers KOGAWA Masahiro, Fin-de-siécle Vienna of Artists and Doctors: Intersections between the Arts and Psychiatry (in Japanese) (Book Review)  (Single)  2022/12
4. Papers Design and Gender during Wartime: the Vienna Workshops in World War I  (Single)  2022/03
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2021/08/29 Design and Gender during Wartime: the Vienna Workshops in World War I (Asian Conference of Design History and Theory 2021 Osaka)
2. 2015/10/03 Towards an Ideal Education of Arts and Crafts: k.k. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie and k.k. Kunstgewerbeschule before 1900 (The 1st Asian Conference of Design History and Theory: ACDHT 2015 Osaka)
■ Belonging society
1. 2019/10 The Japan Art History Society
2. 2006/04~ Design History Workshop Japan