(Last updated : 2024-06-04 17:13:10)
  Hirota Ritsuko
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Business Administration Chinese
   Kanagawa University Graduate School  Graduate School of Business Administration Course of International Business Administration
■ Present specialized field
Chinese Folklore, Cultural anthropology and folklore, Theory of art practice, Foreign language education 
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers Comparing Three Documents of "Pien Hung Great Songs" Used in the Initiation Ritual of Iu Mien  (Single)  2016/11
2. Book Songs and Rituals of the Mien-Yao  (Collaboration)  2016/04
3. Book Songs in Ritual: Recitation of "Great Song" for Pien Hung in the Initiation Ritual of the Mien-Yao  (Single)  2016/04
4. Papers On the Recitation of Pan Wang Songs during "Huanjiayuan" Initiation Rites among the Guoshan Yao of Lanshan, Hunan Province  (Single)  2015/06
5. Papers Recitation of Ceremonial Verses: Dialogical Singing in /Huanjia-yuen/ Initiation among the Yaos of Lanshan, Hunan Province  (Single)  2015/01
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2019/11/26 ('Root of the Soul of East Asia' 2019 East Asian Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage)
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1.   Study on Religious Theatre In China  (Key Word : Mask drama,ONI,Exorcism)
2.   Study on Chinese Ancestral Marriage  (Key Word : Ancestral Marriage,Folk Belief)
3.   Study on Folk Material of Villages in South China  (Key Word : Folk Material)
■ Home Page
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number