(Last updated : 2024-12-05 14:46:27)
  Akiyoshi Masanori
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Informatics Department of Applied Systems and Mathematics
   Kanagawa University Graduate School  Graduate School of Engineering Course of Engineering (Field of Information Systems Creation)
■ Present specialized field
Intelligent Informatics, Systems Engineering (Key Word:Machine Learning, Agent, Kansei information,Meta-verse) 
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers A Classification Method for "kawaii" Images using Semantic Interpretation  (Collaboration)  2024/10
2. Papers A Classification Method for "Kawaii" Images using Four Feature Filters  (Collaboration)  2023/07
3. Papers Bayesian Network Oriented Transfer Learning Method for Credit Scoring Model  (Collaboration)  2021/09
4. Papers Structured Feature Derivation for Transfer Learning  (Collaboration)  2020/10
5. Papers Analysis of Gaze Trajectory and Skin Extension Pressure Data in Blood Collection Technology  (Collaboration)  2020/02
All display(18)
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2014/08~2015/03  Study on Project Management  (Key Word : Project Management, Simulator, Effectiveness Measurement)