(最終更新日:2024-07-24 08:49:22)
  ハセガワ ミツグ   Hasegawa Mitsugu
  長谷川 実嗣
   所属   神奈川大学  工学部 機械工学科
   職種   助教
■ 専門分野
流体制御、流体計測, 熱流体工学、空気力学 
■ 学位等
Ph.D. in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Propeller-noise reduction by microfiber coating on a blade surface Sensors and Actuators A: Physical  (共著) 2024/03 Link
2. 論文  Drag reduction study of a microfiber-coated cylinder Scientific Reports  (共著) 2022/09 Link
3. 論文  Shock-dominated flow control by plasma array: Pressure analysis including pressure-sensitive paint visualization Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science  (共著) 2021/09 Link
4. 論文  Behavior of Sliding Angle as Function of Temperature Difference between Droplet and Superhydrophobic Coating for Aircraft Ice Protection Systems aerospace  (共著) 2021/08 Link
5. 論文  Predicting Pressure Sensitivity to Luminophore Content and Paint Thickness of Pressure-Sensitive Paint Using Artificial Neural Network sensors  (共著) 2021/07 Link
■ 学会発表
1. 2024/01/12 Investigation of Microfiber Coating for Aeroacoustic Noise Reduction in Small Aerial Vehicles(AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum) Link
2. 2023/11/22 Investigation on Ice Melting by Simultaneous Thermometry and Velocimetry Method in Oil(75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics) Link
3. 2023/11/21 Microfiber coating as a noise-reducing device for aerial vehicles(76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics) Link
4. 2023/11/20 3-D printed luminescent sensor for heat transfer study in a micro-channel flow(76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics) Link
5. 2023/06/12 Fast Pressure-Sensitive Paint Measurements of an Internal Osculating Waverider Inlet Under Quiet and Noisy Flow(AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum) Link
■ ホームページ
■ 科研費研究者番号