(Last updated : 2025-01-30 11:16:42)
  Kang Myungchae
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Architecture and Building Engineering Department of Architecture and Building Engineering
   Assistant Professor
■ Present specialized field
History of Japan's Modern Architecture, History of Korea's Modern Architecture 
■ Academic background
1. 2015/04~2019/03 Kanagawa University Graduate School, Division of Engineering 〔Doctoral course〕 Completed
2. 2013/04~2015/03 Kanagawa University Graduate School, Division of Engineering 〔Master degree program〕 Completed
3. 2011/09~2012/03 Kanagawa University Faculty of Engineering Studying abroad
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers Koichi Hagiwara, the President of the Architectural Association of Chosun
-The study of Japanese Architects Active in Prewar Korea, Part 1-  (Collaboration)  2024/09
2. Papers The Transition of "Japan-style" in Architecture  (Single)  2024/07
3. Papers EXPLORING THE UTILIZATION OF JAPANESE-STYLE BUILDINGS DURING THE IMPERIAL VISITS OF THE MEIJI PERIOD - A Case Study of the 1887 Visit to Masayoshi Matsukata's Residence -  (Collaboration)  2024/06
4. Papers Renewal of the exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Reconstruction Memorial Hall  (Single)  2024/06
5. Papers Renewal of Permanent Exhibitions and Special Exhibition on Dojun-kai at the Tokyo Metropolitan Reconstruction Memorial Hall  (Single)  2024/04 Link
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2024/11/16 The Trend of Japanese Architectural Design in Taisho Period - Focusing on the Design Competition Submissions for the Great Kanto Earthquake Memorial Hall - (Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Korea Association for Architectural History)
2. 2024/09/11 Koichi Hagiwara, the President of the Architectural Association of Chosun -The study of Japanese Architects Active in Prewar Korea, Part 1- (14th ISAIA)
3. 2024/08/29 A Study on the Former Maeda Family's Kamakura Villa -A Students of the Transition Process of Shotoan- (Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan)
4. 2024/08/29 The study of Ikkyo-mura, the utopia was founded by Ikkyo-sha in Taisho period. Part1 -The image of utopia that Ikkyo-sha aimed for- (Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan)
5. 2024/08/29 The study of Ikkyo-mura, the utopia was founded by Ikkyo-sha in Taisho period. Part2 -The state of utopia seen in the architectural characteristics and living conditions of villa- (Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan)
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■ Business career
1. 2017/02 The University of British Columbia Department of Asian Studies Researcher
2. 2017/07~2019/04 Japan National Trust for Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation Business Division Researcher
3. 2019/05~ Japan National Trust for Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation Business Division staff
4. 2022/06~ Kanagawa University Research Center for Nonwritten Materials, Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culture Researcher
5. 2022/06~ Kanagawa University The Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culture Researcher
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■ Belonging society
1. 2024/09~ DOCOMOMO Japan
2. 2022/08~ Architectural Institute of Korea
3. 2019/07~ Korea Association for Architectural History
4. 2016/04~ Japan Society of Lifology
5. 2015/04~ Architectural Institute of Japan
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■ Activity in society
1. 2024/11~2024/11 United Academic Conference of 4 East Asian Universities at Kanagawa University
2. 2023/12~2024/03 Junzo Yoshimura's vision -between the U.S and Japan- Link
3. 2023/12 Facing the lessons from the perspective of architecture history -Myungchae Kang, assist prof. of kanagawa univ.- Link  !!!
4. 2023/06 50th anniversary symposium, Japan Society of Lifology
5. 2022/12 Exploring Tokyo Tatemono No.91 Tokyo memorial hall
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2023/04~  The study of Ikkyomura, the utopia triggered by kitakaruizawa's resort development of kusakaru railway 
2. 2022/08~  A Study of the exhibition the Great Kanto Earthquake Reconstruction in Great Kanto Earthquake Memorial Museum 
3. 2023/10~2024/03  Junzo Yoshimura's vision -between the U.S and Japan-  Link
4. 2021/04~2024/03  Historical Research on the Settlement and Public Housing of Modern Japan referring to the Movement in the UK and USA 
5. 2015/06~2016/02  The Trend of Architectural Designs in Taisho Period through the Design Competition of the Memorial Hall for Great Kanto Earthquake 
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2023/10 100th Anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake - Touring Chiyoda's Reconstruction Architecture by Bus (Chiyoda-ku, Sumida-ku, Tokyo)
■ Committee and society
1. 2023/04/01~ Research Committee on Kanto Branch's History and Theory of Architecture, Architectural Institute of Japan Committee
2. 2023/04/01~2023/12/31 The 50th Academic Research Presentation Meeting, Japan Society of Lifology Executive Committee
3. 2022/04/01~ Imperial Capital Reconstruction Project Survey WG in Research Committee on the History and Theory of Architecture, Architectural Institute of Japan Committee
4. 2022/04/01~ Design of Life Secretariat
■ Research Field
1. 2022/11 2023 Fall Academic Presentation Conference Excellent Paper Presentation Award
2. 2020/07 Outstanding thesis award of Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association
3. 2018/12 Excellent Young Presentation Award of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan
4. 2017/12 Excellent Young Presentation Award of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan
5. 2015/03 Master's thesis award
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