(Last updated : 2024-04-11 17:25:58)
  Ohba Eri
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Business Administration General education
■ Present specialized field
Sociology, Sociology of Crime and Delinquency, Sociology of Deviance and Social Problems, Sociology of Gender and Sexuality (Key Word:Deviance, Social Problems, Crime, Delinquency,Media, Social Constructionism, gender, sexuality) 
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers Thinking about the Study of Crime News and Social Construction of Crime Reality  (Single)  2021/10
2. Papers Crime Waves in Japanese News Media: Why is Declining Crime not Newsworthy?  (Single)  2013/10
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2001/11 (The American Society of Criminology The 53 rd Annual Meeting)
2. 1999/11 (The American Society of Criminology 51st Annual Meeting)
■ Business career
1. 2009/04~ Sophia University
2. 2022/04~ The Open University of Japan Visiting Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 1988/06~ The Kantoh Sociological Society Link
2. 2016/01~2017/06 ∟ Editorial Board
3. 2012/07~2013/06 The British Sociological Association
4. 1988/04~1991/04 Japanese Association of Sociology for Human Liberation
■ ReaD Researcher code
■ Activity in society
1. 2020/09~ volunteer probation officer
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2023/04~2027/03  Social Construction and Social Control of Crime News in Japan  (Key Word : Crime Newsk, Social Constructionism, Social Reality of Crime, Social Control)
2. 1994/04~  Social Construction of Crime and Juvenile Delinquency in the Mass Media  (Key Word : Mass Media,Crime,Juvenile Delinquency,Social Constructkon of Reality)
3. 1990/04~  Gender and social construction of Crime and Social Problems 
■ E-Mail Address
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number
■ Teaching Experiences
1. Sociology of Deviance(Sophia University)