(Last updated : 2024-12-13 14:53:10)
  Doyo Daisuke
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Business Administration Department of International Business and Management
   Kanagawa University Graduate School  Graduate School of Business Administration Course of International Business Administration
   Associate Professor
■ Present specialized field
Industrial Engineering, Design (Key Word:Industrial engineering, Production management, KAIZEN management, End User Development, Digital Fabrication) 
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers Multifaceted Nature of Design and 3D Printing
-Web-Based Direct 3DPrinting System-  (Single)  2024/11
2. Papers Study on the effects of additive manufacturing on supply chain in the era of data movement  (Single)  2021/10
3. Papers Evaluating End-User Development in the Context of the Kaizen Concept: An Empirical Study Using a Cultural Approach  (Single)  2021/03
4. Papers Proposal of digital craft introduction model at Faculty of Teacher Training  (Collaboration)  2017/10
5. Papers Development of a Training System for Lathe Operation using a Simulator with Relationship between Speed of Tool Feed and Cutting Sound/Shape of Chips  (Collaboration)  2015/06
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2020/11/21 A Survey of 3D Printed Face Shield's Data Modification under COVID-19 Link
2. 2020/10/25 (The 8th Annual Meetings of Nursing Science and Engineering)
3. 2020/10/15 Survey of 3D Printed Shield Manufacturing Movements under COVID-19 Link
4. 2017/10 Proposal of digital craft introduction model at Faculty of Teacher Training (TENZ . ICTE Conference)
■ Belonging society
1. 2021/06~ Japanese Society for Science of Design
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2021/10 Fablab and STEAM Education (Bhutan College of Science and Technology(online))
■ Committee and society
1. 2023/05/23~ Development of Digital Human Resources Link
2. 2020/10~ https://www.kgri.keio.ac.jp/project/2020/C20-09.html?fbclid=IwAR3SsVav1qQc2Tc87rbeU1kQElImyVabQvreZbTyN0JXAup4tevgyfdFC8E Link
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number