(Last updated : 2025-02-20 18:51:02)
  Koshino Katsuhisa
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Engineering
   Assistant Professor
■ Present specialized field
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers On the Borel complexity and the complete metrizability of spaces of metrics  (Single)  2024/11
2. Papers Compactness of averaging operators on Banach function spaces  (Single)  2024/09
3. Papers Characterizing compact sets in Lp-spaces and its application  (Single)  2023/08
4. Papers Recognizing the topologies of spaces of metrics with the topology of uniform convergence  (Single)  2023/05
5. Papers Characterizations of manifolds modeled on absorbing sets in non-separable Hilbert spaces and the discrete cells property  (Single)  2021/11
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2024/07/11 Compactness and averaging operators on function spaces (38th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications)
2. 2023/07/06 A criterion of compact sets in Lp-spaces and its application (2023 International Conference on Topology and its Applications)
3. 2022/07/25 Recognizing the topologies on subspaces of Lp-spaces on metric measure spaces (Prague Symposia on General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra)
4. 2019/12/09 Characterizing topological manifolds modeled on absorbing sets in Hilbert spaces by the discrete cells property (The Conference on Geometric Topology and Related Topics)
5. 2019/11/11 Characterizing infinite-dimensional manifolds by general position properties (The 3rd Pan-Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications)
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■ Belonging society
1. 2012/10~ The Mathematical Society of Japan
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2012/09 Characterizing Infinite-dimensional Manifolds and its Applications (Shantou University)
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number