(Last updated : 2024-04-10 16:58:14)
  Mochizuki Kota
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Business Administration Teacher License Program
   Assistant Professor
■ Present specialized field
■ Academic background
1. 2013/04~2017/03 Aichi University of Education Graduate School, Division of Education 〔Doctoral course〕 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
2. 2007/04~2009/03 Tokyo Gakugei University Graduate School, Division of Education 〔Master degree program〕 Completed
3. 2003/04~2007/03 Shizuoka University Faculty of Education Graduated
■ Book and Papers
1. Papers Professional Development Unique to University of Teacher Education: Case Study of the HATO Project  (Collaboration)  2022/02
2. Papers Possibilities of Citizenship Education based on the Multiple Multiculturalism: Case Studies of School Observations in Germany  (Collaboration)  2019/12
3. Papers The Change of Teacher's Professional Development  (Collaboration)  2019/03
4. Papers The Pedagogical Significance of Reflection: A Case Analysis from the Perspective of Kolb's Experiential Learning Model  (Single)  2019/03
5. Papers The Significance of Educational Evaluation Using Poster Sessions in Integrated Studies  (Single)  2019/03
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2021/07/10 Professional Development among Universities of Education in Japan: Restructuring the Teacher Competence Framework (World Education Research Association Virtual Focal Meeting in Santiago)
2. 2019/08/07 Professional Development among Universities of Education in Japan: Building Capacity in SoTL Activities (World Education Research Association 2019: Focal Meeting in Tokyo)
3. 2016/10/17 Method to Measure and Assessment the Effectiveness of Overseas Training with In-Service Teachers (The 11th International Symposium on Teacher Education in East Asia)
■ Business career
1. 2015/12~2022/03 Tokyo Gakugei University Researcher
2. 2016/04~2018/03 Shizuoka University Lecturer
3. 2014/10~2016/03 Shizuoka University Faculty of Education Lecturer
4. 2013/04~2015/03 Shizuoka University Education Development Center Scienrific Researcher
5. 2009/05~2012/03 Shizuoka University Education Development Center Academic Researcher
■ Belonging society
1. 2020/10~ The Japanese Society for Curriculum Studies
2. 2018/07~ Japanese Association for the Education for Living Environment Studies and Integrated Studies
3. 2016/07~ Japanese Educational Research Association
4. 2015/04~2019/03 The Japanese Society for Studies on Educational Practices
5. 2015/04~ National Association for the Study of Educational Methods
All display(10)
■ Overseas works
● Overseas research activity (Last year)
 Stay two weeks or more   Total  0 times
 Stay less than two weeks   Total  3 times
● Overseas International Conference or Society (Last year)
 Responsibility about Various Cost   Attendance Frequency   Announcement Frequency
 Organizer  0  times  0  times
 Foreign Organization  0  times  0  times
 MEXT / JSPS  0  times  0  times
 Other Government-affiliated Institution  0  times  0  times
 Affiliated Organization  1  times  1  times
 Foundation etc.(contribution/trust)  0  times  0  times
 Own Expense  0  times  0  times
 Total  1  times  1  times
● Foreign language used at International Academic Society
   Verbal Presentation    
   Writing of Thesis    
■ E-Mail Address
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number