    (Last updated : 2024-11-13 15:48:12)
  Matsudaira Tokujin
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Law Department of Law/Department of Local Government
   Kanagawa University Graduate School  Graduate School of Law Course of Law (Constitutional Law)
■ Present specialized field
Public Law, Area Studies 
■ Book and Papers
1. Book East Asian Constitutionalism as Paradox  (Single)  2021/02
2. Papers Tianxia, or another Grossraum? U.S.-China Competition and Paradigm Change in the International Legal Order  (Single)  2022/07 Link
3. Papers Abe's Japan--Another Case of Abusive Constitutionalism  (Single)  2017/09 Link
4. Papers Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Constitution of War  (Collaboration)  2015/09 Link
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2022/12/20 The Japanese Supreme Court cases on the separation of state and religion Link
2. 2022/12/03 Religious Right and the Constitutional Politics in Japan (Constitutionalism and Legitimacy in Asia and the Pacific) Link
3. 2018/08/25 Comment to Ackerman's three ideotypes of constitutionalism (Revolutionary Constitutionalism)
4. 2018/06/26 The Twilight of Japan's Postwar Consitution (The International Society of Public Law 2018 Conference) Link
5. 2016/12 A Rebuttal to "Constitutionalism vs Democracy" (THE WAR ON JAPANS PACIFIST CONSTITUTION) Link
All display(8)
■ Belonging society
1. 2015/01~ The Internation Society of Public Law Link
2. 2017/12~ Asian Association of Constitutional Studies
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number