(Last updated : 2024-12-10 22:57:01)
  Kwon Soonho
   Kanagawa University  Faculty of Economics Department of Economics/Department of Contemporary Business
   Assistant Professor
■ Present specialized field
Marketing, Consumer Behavior (Key Word:Psychological Ownership, Perceived product size, Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior) 
■ Book and Papers
1. Book e-sports Social Theory  (Collaboration)  2023/07
2. Papers Effects of Offline Versus Online Promotional Media on Consumer Response  (Collaboration)  2024/12
3. Papers A review and future research for perceived size of product in marketing research  (Single)  2024/03
4. Papers 3D versus 2D: Effects of the number of dimensions of product images on perceptions of product size  (Collaboration)  2024/02
5. Papers Effects of Screen Contact with Digital Media on Perceived Control and Psychological Ownership  (Collaboration)  2023/01
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/10/26 Effects of Surprise Emotion Elicited by Offline Versus Online Coupons (Association for Consumer Research Conference 2023)
2. 2022/08/09 Does perceived product weight lead to weakening psychological ownership of products in the digital environment? (2022 AMA Summer Academic Conference)
3. 2022/06/18 The influence of product presentation format on consumers' product perception in online environments (ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2022)
4. 2022/05/29 消費者の心理的所有感に対する社会的他者の影響 (Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution 72th Academic conference)
5. 2022/05/14 Do mobile payment methods affect psychological ownership? (Japan Association for Consumer Studies 64th Academic Conference)
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■ Research Field
1. 2021/10 Best poster award
■ Teaching Experiences
1. Marketing Ⅰ(Kanagawa University)
2. Marketing Ⅱ(Kanagawa University)
3. First Year seminar(Kanagawa University)
4. (Kanagawa University)
5. Marketing Communication 1・2(Wako University)