Graduate School of Engineering Course of Engineering (Field of Applied Chemistry) Academic Staff
Professor(13名) Specialized field Message from Professor
   Hikichi Shiro Inorganic chemistry, Biomimetic chemistry, Catalytic chemistry    
   Ikehara Takayuki Physical properties of polymers, Physical properties of complex materials, Chemical physics    
   Iwakura Izumi Reaction Mechanism Analysis, Laser Chemistry, Theoretical chemistry, Fundamental physical chemistry, Fundamental physical chemistry    
   Jin Renhua Functional Polymers, Self-Assembling Materials, Biomimicry, Nano-Interfaces and Surfaces, Chiral Materials    
   Kameyama Atsushi Polymer chemistry, Bioorganic chemistry, Organic functional materials    
   Koide Yoshihiro Inorganic coordination chemistry, Composite materials and interfaces, Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry    
   Matsumoto Futoshi electrochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer materials    
   Motohashi Teruki Solid-State Chemistry, Inorganic Material Chemistry, Energy Chemistry    
   Okada Masahiro Bioorganic chemistry, Chemistry and chemical methodology of biomolecules    
   Okamoto Sentaro Synthetic Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry,Organic Metal Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Plant molecular biology and physiology, Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug development sciences    
   Ono Akira Medicinal Chemistry, Nucleic Acid Medicine, Hg(II) Ion Sensor, Biomolecular Chemistry, Nanostructural Chemistry, Functional Solid State Chemistry, Bio-Related Chemistry    
   Ueda Wataru Catalytic Materials Chemistry    
   Yokozawa Tsutomu Polymer Synthesis, Synthetic Organic Chemistry    
Associate Professor(1名) Specialized field Message from Professor
   Nakada Norihide Fate of micropollutant, Environmental analysis, Environmental monitoring, Environmental chemistry